The Service – Part One

It happened again. My silver machine had once more displayed its sluggish prowess and nearly left me floundering in a precarious position. I was experiencing the joys of driving a decade old car, a car that had never been blessed with power. Although it had been suggested by my dad some months previous that the car may need a service, I resisted the financial attack until absolutely necessary. The time though had come, struggling to overtake a cyclist up a hill was both embarrassing and worrying. Continue reading

The Living Daylights

It was mid-October, Monday morning, talk of a storm on the way and I was lying in bed knowing a busy day was before me. Downstairs I could hear the slow shuffle of a waking up mutt and the demanding cry of a hungry cat. I had been in charge of the family home for the previous eight days with my parents sunning themselves on a sunny Spanish isle. It was to be my last full day in charge, as the next day I was flying off on my own little adventure, an adventure with a special someone to accidentally retrace the footsteps of an old Bond. Continue reading

A Friend for Life

I have pondered for a long time about writing this. My fears of not doing the matter justice or just a general reluctance have delayed it, maybe even a concern of how much of my soul be stripped open through these words.

People come and go from our lives. Not always do we understand why our paths split,  why it is that some people drift away from a fire that burnt so strong at first. There is a reason to it all I once heard, a point when the picture of your life becomes clear and every event led to that point that you now see the world from.
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